The Seeker of the Truth: Yuval Ron Ensemble

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Presenter and Cosponsors info: UMass Amherst, The Arts Block, and WGBY57
Title: The Seeker of the Truth: Yuval Ron Ensemble
Description: The Seeker of Truth unites Middle Eastern musical traditions, blending powerful and rich music with global traditions of spirituality, healing, culture and mysticism. Featuring four musicians and a Whirling Dervish, the Yuval Ron Ensemble performs music that is exhilarating, hypnotic, ecstatic and even meditative. As an educator and peace activist, Yuval Ron is dedicated to bringing cultural harmony through music.
Location and address: Fine Arts Center Concert Hall. 151 Presidents Drive, Amherst, MA. 01003
Admission info: $35, $30. $20; Five College and 17 & Under: $10; Five College Faculty & Staff: Please call the Box Office

Parking info: For Concert Hall events, free and secure parking is available off Massachusetts Avenue in University lots 32, 34, and 71, and in Visitor Parking, after 5 p.m. and all day on weekends. While #62 lot (across North Pleasant Street from Bezanson Recital Hall) has fewer spaces due to construction, there is a new #62 lot near French Hall (one block north from the current #62 lot) with 86 spaces. Access is via Thatcher Way or Stockbridge Road.  Lot #63 (across from current #62), is also available with 46 spaces. A map with pathways near #62 lots is below or refer to the UMass interactive parking map.

Contact info for more info and rsvp:



Phone: 413.545.2511