Yuval Ron Ensemble Peace Mission to Cuba

Yuval Ron Ensemble Peace Mission to Cuba

I got a call last year from producer Al Nodel. He said: “We have to bring your ensemble to Cuba! People will love what you do over there and they NEED to know about it, plus you need to know about what they are doing over there!” I always wanted to go to Cuba, since the days I learned to play some Afro-Cuban Jazz tunes at Berklee College of Music, back in the early 1980’s. I love the tantalizing rhythms of Cuba, knew a bit about the intriguing Jewish history of the exotic island, and a little about the Santeria, the mysterious African spiritual tradition mixed with Christianity, which use some amazing drumming rituals. I told Al, we ought to bring to Havana the FULL Yuval Ron Ensemble with our dancer Mayaya, our new bass player Justin Stein, and the rest of the gang. Al agreed. He arranged for an amazing tour for us on the island: jam sessions with master drummers and dancers, workshop that we will give to the children in the public school, 2 large concerts, exclusive meeting with spiritual leaders of the Santeria tradition, exclusive visits to top notch visual artists of Havana, dinning at the best restaurants that just opened up, and on and on. One of the things that is most exciting to me about this up coming Peace Mission to Cuba, is meeting and spending some private time with the all female drummers group Obini Bata (see https://vimeo.com/177300386), THEY ARE AMAZING!!! And Courageous! Can’t wait to jam with them in March. The tour starts Feb 29 till March 6 2016, and YOU CAN BE PART OF IT! YES! please see the itinerary: https://yuvalronmusic.com/images/newsletter/cuba_itinerary_revised_june29.pdfThe registration form: https://yuvalronmusic.com/images/newsletter/YRE_Registration.pdf and the terms and prices: https://yuvalronmusic.com/images/newsletter/YRE_Prices_Terms_Conditions.pdf

I hope to see you with us in Cuba March 2017!

By |2024-06-05T15:20:06-07:00September 23rd, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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